How do I get a Cell Tower on my Property?

Getting a cell tower installed on a property depends entirely on the carriers needs. Carriers decide whether or not to choose a property depending on their requirements. So, putting your property on offer can never really help you. And chances of carriers approaching you are always remote because they have to choose a property based on certain criteria.

Carriers require specific geographic locations. The location must meet particular radio frequency standards. If your property doesn’t meet this, carriers simply won’t be interested.

The distance between two towers also plays a crucial role. If there already is a cell tower within a radius of one mile of where you stay, chances of getting a tower would be less. This is because zoning policy of local areas requires carriers to use existing towers. Also, if you have a residentially zoned property surrounded by industrial property chances dim out. Chances brighten if it is the other way round.

The density of population around your property also matters a lot. If your property is located in a town with a population less than 2000 or more than half a mile away from the highway, you won’t have a chance. On the contrary, if it is located in a suburban area and is close to roads with high traffic, your chances brighten.

Also, if your property is less than 30 feet taller than other buildings, within a radius of one mile, your chances fade out.

None of us have thought all this out while constructing a property. So, most properties fail to meet the criteria. If a property happens to meet these requirements, then it is sheer by chance. So it makes little sense to crave for a cell tower installation on your property.


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Learn more about wireless tower lease experts

People lease out portion of their property to wireless tower companies to earn assured and secure revenue for years. The best part of this earning is that it involves no hassles whatsoever. However, unless an owner enters into the right kind of agreement, he may have to face many petty problems. An attorney can help you frame a good deal. But at times even attorneys fail to give you a fool proof deal. This is mostly because the concept of cell tower lease is new. Another reason is that companies would always arm twist land owners to agree to their terms.

A wireless leasing expert can help you sort out a deal that can well work to your advantage. As they specialize in this field they understand the nuances of the deal better. Moreover, as they have plenty of exposure to such deals, they know how to go about with cases on an individual basis. The services offered by the leasing experts include lease analysis, wireless tower lease negotiations, lease reviews, contract renewals and assess and evaluate sites.

Wide knowledge of all these aspects of leasing, make leasing experts the best person to approach to. They can also provide valuable inputs on managing and developing your property, lease re-negotiations and even co-location advice.

An advantage in seeking advice of leasing experts is that they can help you on a long term basis. One good way to get the right lease expert is to browse through internet or with the help of other cell tower property owners.

Wireless lease tower experts ensure that you do not walk into trap laid out by wireless service providers.

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Sublease Agreements on Wireless Tower Lease

Wireless tower lease agreements often include the clause of sublease. This allows the tenant to lease out the hired property to a third party. Thus the tenant gets to make more money by further leasing the property out to other vendors or carriers. Such agreements can leave the land lord out in the cold. It deprives the property owner of a legitimate share.

No landowner would want to do away with his share of income. But they are deprived of their share because of ignorance. Tower companies never reveal whether the property owner is due for compensation for a sublease. What most carriers do is to make the landowner sign a letter of consent without letting him know that he is under no obligation to put his signature.

If you are leasing your property out to a cell tower company or re-negotiating a deal it is important to address the question of sublease. It is ideal for the agreement to include the clause that the cellular tower company would “notify” the landowner before a sublease.

If a carrier is bound to obtain a property owner’s consent prior to subleasing the landowner is entitled to get compensation. The landlord is justified to claim this compensation, just as he would get added money for the expansion of the lease area. The extra money he is entitled to get may vary widely. It depends on the location of the tower site and the density of population in the area.

As a word of caution it should be said that one must not feel obligated to renew lease agreement just to earn sublease revenue. It is always advisable to consult a wireless tower lease agency as well as an attorney.

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Cell Tower Lease – Its Fine Print!

World over it is said that telecom deals are the most difficult of all deals due to the legal terms and legal language that generally take up a whole new dimension to the business. Thus the term cell tower lease brings a picture of complex deals and agreements written in legal terms that are difficult to understand by the layman. In totem cell tower leasing is more of a game of being one up in the game of riders and terms! Landlords need to be aware of all this and the rates around the tower, their potentiality and the nature of those towers.

But with the advancement of nanotechnology, the setting up of towers too has undergone a sea change. Recent findings show that erecting towers or scouring sites for these towers has decreased. Companies are now looking for a single tower in an area that would suffice to serve the needs of all the carriers thanks to nanotechnology.

And due to the advancement of technology again, the lease rates too have drastically declined. Some say the recession too has played its part in bringing down the rates. Thus landlords need to be overtly clever and make a mention of the changing conditions, that wouldn’t in any way affect the lease rates.

Landlords and property owners need to strike a good bargain in order to gain a good rental price and terms to negotiate.  Therefore the better the terms for the carrier, the better would that translate to a landlord. A landlord should adopt a give and take policy and ensure that carrier leasing companies too make a profit and they too do not end up smiling.

So all a tower landlord or property dealer needs to do is to swiftly evaluate the offer on hand and figure out if the deal is good, bad or mediocre. The landlord should make it a point to jump at the slightest lucrative chance offered so that the cell tower lease isn’t handed over to another. One needs to jump at the chance offered and not lose time.

Remember the key to any benefit would be right negotiation and the bargaining that the landowner strikes with the telecom company at the right time at the right price.

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Cellular Lease Companies Expect A Deal if not Ransom

Cell tower lease is not a one way street. It involves many characters, specifically, cell tower lease experts, property possessors, and all pervasive cell tower companies which offer you in case they see a business light on your land. Needless to pronounce; Cell carrier expects something out of the deal and at the least, a fair sum in case of any eventuality.

They involve in cellular carrier land agreements activities to tie up the land to ensure long-term profits for shareholders.  This activity will also prevent them from having to deal with a finance buyout company that has purchased the Cell Tower Lease or Cell Site Lease.  They will have a laundry list of items they want to put into all Cell Site Leases that they extend, renew or renegotiate. Cellular land lease companies publicly trade and they all have the fiducial responsibility to shareholders which include protecting their Cell Tower Sites and actively buying out Cell Site Leases, Extending Cell Site Leases and Renewing Cell Site Leases to their advantage.

Among the most common are:

Add additional ground area surrounding the current leased area

Get a ROFR (right of first refusal)

Change or lower your current escalation amount

Extend the lease beyond the original lease term by many years

Add additional language to the agreement that strengthens their position.

Cell carriers have been through these negotiations numerous times and will help you make the right decision(s).  It is very difficult for and individual or organization with only one or a handful of Cell Tower Leases to negotiate favourable terms themselves.  Cell tower industry experts will provide you with the latest industry data, years of experience and knowledge to deliver the best possible results for our clients.

These Cell Site Negotiations will have long-lasting effects on you and your heirs.  This is an important negotiation and should not be taken lightly.  In addition, these cellular land lease companies are not “your inmate” or fall not into the impression that they “do the right thing” just because they have been paying you rent all these years.

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Cell Tower Site

As a landowner you need to be sure what you are getting into when you give the rights of your landed property to set up a cell tower on your site by a cellular company. You need to know the prevailing lease rates, the location of your property whether suitable to be categorized as prime cell tower site. This is easily said than done because there isn’t much written anywhere that constitutes a proper rate or the prevailing rates for a cell tower site on lease.

But the cellular carriers have gotten to be more profit based and bent on making more money by doling out lesser than what was being given for rooftop and tower rentals. Now the question that could be uppermost in your brain is what are the cell tower lease rates and whether your site has the potential to be categorized as a potential cell tower site? Evaluating cell site lease rates is difficult because there isn’t much comparative data available to the public. What can best be told about cellular lease rates is that the cellular carriers are all trying to save money, and they are not paying much as they used to pay earlier.
Landlords and property owners are usually contacted by the carriers via third party site acquisition leasing companies who are paid for identifying cell tower sites and getting a lease signed on the earmarked property as a cell tower site. Land owners are paid a rental price basing on the terms and conditions that they can best negotiate. The better the terms for the carrier, the more potential the leasing consultant has for making a larger bonus. In short if the carriers are convincing enough then a gullible landowner is taken for a cheap ride. He is given a paltry amount while the company and the carriers, and the middlemen make more money. The carrier leasing companies are also paid premiums for turning a lease around quickly.
So if you’ve been contacted setting up a cell tower site on your property or antennas on your rooftop, remember you have to be very much aware of the ways and means of these carriers before they give you the slip. You need to evaluate the offer and figure out if the offer is very good.  You also need to determine if the wireless carrier has other offers that can upset your deal. All this will determine the amount of leverage you gain while negotiating. In short you need to drive a hard bargain.

The cell tower leases offered to property owners are heavily tilted in favour of the carriers and are too burdensome for some. However in life and in the wireless leasing game there are two kinds of landlords, the quick and the slow. Don’t get killed by the carriers with regard to your cell tower leases. They are trained to fleece and get the best deals possible.

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Execute cell tower lease agreements with care

When it comes to acquiring sites for their needs, wireless companies resort to lot of dirty tricks. It is hard for the common man to decipher these underhand tricks. And what is more alarming is that with each passing day, the trend to mislead if not dupe is growing in the telecom industry. As of now, telecom authorities have not cracked down on such devious practices. So, it is important for every property owner to be on guard against cell tower lease companies.

Wireless companies feed on the fear of the average property owner- the fear of losing out the monthly income. These companies and their consultants try to capitalize on this lurking fear. And it is easy to scare owners who have already enjoyed the benefits of earning a regular monthly income without any investment. Many owners receive new lease terms from companies that state that they have to agree to new terms or else they may have to lose out on the monthly income.

Wireless tower site lease consultants often play a dirtier role than the companies. They know that it pays to be on the side of wireless firms. They trap gullible owners and intimidate them in every possible way. Owners take their advice as a neutral opinion and give in to the wishes of the company. The most common way of putting the fear of god in property owners is by falsely telling them that the tower companies no longer are in need of their property. The modus operandi of these dishonest wireless consultants and firms is simple. By scaring land lords and compelling them to agree to the terms of wireless companies these middlemen earn commissions. Most of the time they have backdoor contact with the cell tower companies. The companies use to mislead property owners.

So before agreeing to the terms of a company or before being influenced by the views of consultants always exercise your discretion.

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Important Aspects of Antenna Tower Leasing

Expansion of cell phone services has led to increase in the installation of antenna towers. There is fierce competition among cell phone providing services to improve their network and provide more and more communication coverage to their consumers. Motivated by these trends, cell phone service providing companies seem to be in the rat race to install more and more antenna towers.

These companies mostly seek private properties for installing antenna towers. They enter into long-term lease agreement with property owners whose spaces of land are to be used for the installation of antenna towers. In exchange of land spaces, cell phone providing companies offer handsome payment to the property owners.

Many people are curious to know the conditions that make a cell tower lease out deal possible. These people should know that a cell phone company spots a location for installing antenna tower only if the site is feasible.

Feasibility of the area is determined keeping in mind factors like zoning and need for improving coverage. The property owners who wish to lease out their property to the carriers for cell tower installation are required to submit applications. Acting upon the application, the company officials explore feasibility. Then, the go-ahead signal is given.

If you are a property owner and you want to lease out a space of your land to any cell phone service providing company for erecting an antenna tower, you should make sure that the lease out agreement protects the rights of your ground space and rooftop space.

Generally, it is believed that the antenna tower lease deal is meant for long-term. There is no doubt in it that it is a long-term deal but initially, the lease term covers a period of 5 years only. Then, the agreement is renewed further after completion of the initial term.

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Cell Tower

A cell tower lease generally involves a property owner and a cell phone service provider. While striking a cell tower lease deal, both of the parties require to enter into an agreement. This agreement allows the owner of the property to lease out a part of the land to the concerned cell phone service providing company for erecting a cell tower. The lease agreement is guided by various terms and conditions. In most of the cases, parties involved get settled for long term agreement of mutual collaboration.

It is generally believed that cell tower lease is a wonderful way to generate monetary benefits. However, it is not possible for anyone who has no landed property to lease out space for erecting the grid. A cell phone service providing company makes sure if the area is feasible for the purpose before entering into the agreement with the landlord. Apart from it, there are several other requirements that are involved in a successful cell tower lease agreement. Let’s explore them.

If you are weighing the option of getting a cell tower lease, you should make sure that you have a landed property at the place that is feasible for erecting a cell tower. No matter you have your property in a rural area or an urban area; you have your chances high in hammering out the lease deal. However, you should see to it that the part of land that you wish to lease out meets zoning requirements and laws.

Once you are convinced that your property fulfills basic leasing out requirements, call the concerned cell phone company and offer your proposal. There are high chances that the cell phone company would pay heed to your proposal as cell phone service providers are always on the look out for options of building cell towers and optimizing coverage.


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Cell Site Lease

The uppermost thought in any landowner’s mind would be, ‘Is my property a prime one for setting up cell towers’? Can I lease out my land as cell site lease? With the advent of newer and higher-end technologies, dependancy on wireless towers has marginally decreased. But as per the CITA (International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry) there are roughly 250,000 cell sites in the United States in 2010 alone. Now while the penetration of of wireless users is still at 93% only, with land phones and other devices still under use, the need for land for erecting wireless towers or using the existing ones is still in demand.

With iPhones, iPads, iTV’s… the list of cellular carriers seems to be growing and the need to penetrate and achieve 100% into the market of wireless users needs to be tapped. According to survey and reseaches carried out there easily will be a market of 100,000 additional new cell sites in the next 5-10 years.

Now the basic need for land to set up a cell tower should be atleast 1200 to 2000 square feet of ground space or rooftop space. Landowners need to be aware of this fact and also make sure before bidding to put their land int he lease market that the land isnt marked in a flood zone or any other natural disaster zone area. They also need to keep in mind that the land hasnt been earmarked as a contaminated area or has some sort of historical significance that can land the company leasing it and the owner leasing it out, to be embroilled in legal tangles.

Landowners eager to advertise their land as cell site lease need to market their location by submitting details and other required information about their land to the cellular carriersa nd cell phone tower companies directly. Make sure that you arent taking the help of any agent or middlemen who would again place a lot of strain on your purse. All the leading cell phone companies in the US have provisions on their websites for prospective landowners to fill in. All they need is:

• Contact Information, name, telephone and email

  • Property location’s address
  • Zoning information
  • Parcel number (Section, Block, Lot)
  • Size of the Property
  • Coordinates if possible and
  • Photographs, site plans or pictures if available

All the landowners need is to provide the information that the companies are looking for in the best possible manner and then sit abck and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

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